The Journal of Information Systems Security (JISSec) is a scholarly publication and a platform for research in information system security.
JISSec is published by the Information Institute (USA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, and Akal University (India). Until 2023, JISSec was also referred to as the Journal of Information System Security. The Library of Congress considers both as variant access points for ISSN records.
The editorial offices are located at ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon (Portugal) and the University of Minho (Portugal).
JISSec is also affiliated with several other international organizations, including IFIP TC 11, AIS SIGSEC, and the Annual Security Conference.

JISSec is indexed by:
- Scopus
- ABI/INFORM by ProQuest
- Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Computer Science and Business Information Systems
- Australian Business Deans Council
- The Index of Information Systems Journals
Print publication: ISSN 1551-0123
Online publication: ISSN 1551-0808