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Sharing Confidential Information and Privacy Calculus



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 18, Number 2 (2022)
Pages 141152
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Joti Kaur — University of North Texas, USA
Simran Dhillon — University of North Texas, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




The act of disclosing sensitive information such as location, finances, and health on social media platforms can result in serious repercussions for users. Despite this, users occasionally choose to disclose such information willingly, and may even receive incentives from the platform provider to do so. The confidential information shared by users is a valuable asset that some providers use to their advantage. Therefore, users should carefully evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of sharing confidential information in order to make informed decisions. This study aims to explore users' inclination to share confidential information by utilizing the concepts of privacy calculus and prospect theory.




Privacy Calculus, Implicit Trust, Confidentiality of Personal Information.




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