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The Influence of Employee Affective Organizational Commitment on Security Policy Attitudes and Compliance Intentions



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 11, Number 3 (2015)
Pages 201222
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Salvatore Aurigemma — University of Tulsa, USA
Lori Leonard — University of Tulsa, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




Higher levels of employee organizational commitment, especially affective organizational commitment, have long been known to bring many benefits to the firm. Previous behavioral information security research confirmed a direct relationship between organizational commitment and employee information security policy (ISP) compliance intent, but did not explore the influence of affective organizational commitment on employee attitudes towards security behaviors; employee attitudes towards security behaviors are influential predictors of behavioral compliance intent. This paper looks more closely at the relationships between affective organizational commitment and ISP compliance attitudes and behavioral intent at a large United States governmental organization. This study found that affective organizational commitment has a significant effect on employees’ ISP compliance intentions both directly and through their attitude towards security behaviors. Additionally, employee perceptions of security policy compliance benefits and costs of non-compliance were significant contributors to favorable security attitudes, but perceptions of the cost of compliance was not.




Non-malicious Insider, Information Security Policy, Affective Organizational Commitment, Behavioral Intent, Planned Behavior, Rational Choice, Attitude




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