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An Investigation of Consumer’s Security and Privacy Perceptions in Mobile Commerce



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 9, Number 2 (2013)
Pages 325
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Hua Dai — University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, USA
Rahul Singh — University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Lakshmi S. Iyer — University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




This study investigates the factors that shape consumers’ security and privacy perceptions of mobile commerce (m-commerce). We utilize strong theoretical foundations to develop eight factors that impact consumers’ security and privacy concerns in the m-commerce context: information type, information collection, secondary use of information, error, unauthorized access, location awareness, information transfer, and personalization. We collected data and analyzed data from 141 respondents. Our analysis revealed a lack of support for the global treatment of security and privacy concerns, which has been treated as a global construct in much of the security and privacy literature, heretofore. In this paper we identified three distinct dimensions for the security and privacy perception construct. Based on this analysis, we developed and tested three models to explain the impact of our eight factors on these three dimensions: consumers’ confidence of information control, concerns on third party, and the awareness of information protection in the m-commerce context. The study has implications for professionals to meet the consumers’ requirements and expectations on security and privacy for m-commerce. 




Privacy, Security, Mobile Commerce, Information Collection, Location Awareness, Personalization, Unauthorized access, Secondary Use




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