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An Analysis of Data Breach Induced Trauma: An Exploratory Study



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 12, Number 3 (2016)
Pages 151176
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Steven Simon — Mercer University, USA
Robert Perkins — University of West Florida, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




Data breaches - security incidents - have become an everyday occurrence with hundreds of millions of consumers having their lost personal identification information (PII), had their credit and debit card numbers stolen, and their credit compromised. Despite the risk, consumers continuously swipe their cards and share their personal information regularly. This study examines the impacts of trust and distrust on consumer intentions in this environment. More than 1000 consumers involved in technology-driven transactions comprise the data sample. Trust, distrust, and their antecedents are investigated to determine if the trauma induced by data breaches on consumers has an impact on the levels of trust and distrust and consumer behaviors. 




Trust, Distrust, Trauma, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Intentions, Security, Data Breach, Hacks




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