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Volume 5, Number 4

This is JISSec Volume 5, Number 4 launch announcement


Volume 5, Number 4


JISSec Volume 5, Number 4 is now available!

This is a Special Issue that draws the best papers from the Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES/CISIS 2009), held in Fukuoka, Japan in March 2009.

JISSec Volume 5, Number 4 Table of Contents:

    • "Workflows in Dynamic and Restricted Delegation", by Mehran Ahsant and Jim Basney
    • "On Retaining Data Control to the Client in Infrastructure Clouds", by Marco Descher, Philip Masser, Thomas Feilhauer, David Huemer and A Min Tjoa
    • "Automatically Compute Information Flow Quantity via Probabilistic Semantics", by Chunyan Mu and David Clark
Enjoy this JISSec Special Issue!


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